Kate Gallego, New Mayor of Phoenix

Earlier in March 2019, Kate Gallego, a nonpartisan candidate, won the Phoenix mayoral race.

We don’t know much about her can report that on her first day as mayor, she signed a proclamation to combat hate, extremism and bigotry. She also looks fantastic in this navy dress and jeweled necklace.

Photo credit: Kate Gallego twitter

Photo credit: Kate Gallego twitter

Gallego tweeted this photo to announce she selected Lisa Fernandez (left, who also looks fantastic) to be her Chief of Staff. We at Capitol Hill Fashion love a red dress with a red lip. Standing next to each other, these women are patriotic sparkly perfection.

We are getting used to fashion greatness (cough Kyrsten Sinema cough) coming out of Arizona, and Gallego doesn’t disappoint. The bar is high, rest of America.

Ricardo Rossello Wears Tan Suit

Puerto Rico’s Governor, Ricardo Rossello, wore a tan suit like it was a normal thing to do! …and then he sat! …in a chair! …and met with people! We know. We were shocked too!

Photo credit: Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

Photo credit: Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

It looks like he kept the suit on all day — attending meetings, squatting with his wife to talk to children, listening attentively while she spoke, and (most shockingly) handing people pens. We could go on and on. It goes without saying that these are not appropriate tan suit activities.

If history taught us anything, it’s that we must be outraged about this. People should not just wear tan suits. This calls for swift and decisive action. Please let us know in the comments where you will be marching to protest this horror.


Also, the Rossellos may be the most beautiful political couple since Jackie and JFK. Just sayin’.

Women in White

A blog dedicated to chronicling how the 116th Congress uses fashion to shake up Capitol Hill would be remiss if it didn’t blog about the fashion event that happened during President Trump’s February 2019 State of the Union speech. Nearly every Democratic female lawmaker wore white. When the camera panned away from Trump to scan the House chamber, the women were impossible to miss.

Photo credit: Alex Wong

Photo credit: Alex Wong

Even Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who sat on the dais directly behind Trump, wore white (and created a new kind of clapping).

Photo credit: Doug Mills

Photo credit: Doug Mills

The white outfits were a form of social protest over Trump’s often insensitive attitude towards women. He has compared women to pigs, bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy”, and famously called his opponent a “nasty woman” on national television.

In addition to symbolizing their philosophical ancestors (the suffragists), Congresswomen wore white as a tribute to those who voted for them in the 2018 midterm elections. Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL) tweeted “By wearing suffragette white to #SOTU2019.. we’re sending a message to everyone that voted for @HouseDemocrats & delivered us the majority that we’re working #ForThePeople, promoting the economic security of women & their families!” 

They seemed pretty joyous about it.

Photo credits (clockwise from upper left): Rep. Deb Haaland twitter, Tom Williams, Rep. Doris Matsui twitter, Erin Schaff.

Kirsten Gillibrand’s Pink Hair

Kirsten Gillibrand released her first presidential campaign video yesterday, calling on Americans to be brave. The lighting in it makes her hair look pink. We think she should add some pink highlights to her hair in real life. She looks fabulous.

Who’s with us?

Nancy Pelosi's Coat

We here at Capitol Hill Fashion could have an entire sister website dedicated solely to Nancy Pelosi. She’s a fashion icon in DC and has been shaking things up for years.

While we have mad appreciation for all her sartorial choices, none commands more respect than her scarlet Max Mara coat. We think of it as the big sister to Lauren Underhill’s green coat. It is The Coat That Set The Internet On Fire (official title) after her meeting with Donald Trump in December 2018. You know the one.

Photo credit: Andrew Harnik

Photo credit: Andrew Harnik

This coat, known as the “Fire Coat” launched a thousand memes…


…and inspired a thousand fan art renderings.

Sketch by Lea H. Seidman; Fine art painting by Caroline Serafinas; Phone case by sszampetti on Redbubble.

CHF is happy to inform you that the wool and cashmere coat is back in stock at Max Mara and could be yours. If you want to buy one for us too (hint hint), leave a comment!

Photo credit: Andrew Harnik

Photo credit: Andrew Harnik

Danica Roem, Rocker

It occurred to us here at Capitol Hill Fashion that some of you may have not seen this photo of Virginia Delegate, Danica Roem. We needed to fix that right away.

Photo credit: Unknown (tell us and we’ll credit)

Photo credit: Unknown (tell us and we’ll credit)

You may know that Delegate Roem is the first transgender woman elected to statewide office in America, but did you also know that she’s one of the first members of a metal band elected to serve? Well, now you do. In addition to her career as a journalist, Roem was lead singer for death metal band called Cab Ride Home (which we should all do if imbibing) for years.

Rock on, girl!

Gil Cisneros in Jeans

Gil Cisneros showed up to an interfaith vigil looking very dapper.

Photo credit: Gil Cisneros twitter

Photo credit: Gil Cisneros twitter

We love the no-tie, jacket, and jeans look. Most congressmen wear khakis with their sport coats but we like a man in denim. We also like a congressman who goes back to his home district and grieves with his people for a community on the other side of the world that was shattered by hate and gun violence.

Nicely done all around, Rep Cisneros.

Mary Gay Scanlon Wears Mismatched Shoes

We’ve reached our first learning moment here at Capitol Hill Fashion. Mary Gay Scanlon has a powerful lesson for us…. If you find shoes you like, that fit you great and don’t hurt your feet, BUY THEM IN EVERY COLOR!

Photo credit: Mary Gay Scanlon twitter

Photo credit: Mary Gay Scanlon twitter

Scanlon, who represents the people of Pennsylvania’s 5th district, showed up to work on Capitol Hill yesterday in two different color shoes. Rep Scanlon, we’ve all been there. Kudos to you for your advanced fashionista moment. Blue and black are good shoe colors to have.

Photo credit: Mary Gay Scanlon twitter

Photo credit: Mary Gay Scanlon twitter

Go back and get the red ones too. You deserve them.

Veronica Escobar Channels Inner Wonder Woman

Vernoica Escobar, newly elected to represent the people of El Paso, TX in the US House of Representatives, looks fabulous in this picture. Although it fits her fantastically and the pop of magenta is great, the suit isn’t breaking any new ground. The way she’s standing is! This is a woman ready to take on the world.

Photo credit: Rep Escobar twitter

Photo credit: Rep Escobar twitter

Escobar is firmly planted, looking steady and strong. In fact, when we first saw her photo with the UTEP football helmet, we immediately thought of this…

Photo Credit: Warner Bros Studios

Photo Credit: Warner Bros Studios

So stand tall, fashionistas. Be strong. Channel your inner Wonder Woman today, no matter if it’s in the halls of Congress, or in the halls of your own house.

Lisa Blunt Rochester, Delayed Props

Admittedly, Capitol Hill Fashion arrived at the Lisa Blunt Rochester fandom late (the Congresswoman from Delaware was elected to the US House of Representatives in 2016). Having the opinion that any arrival at the Blunt Rochester fandom is a good arrival, we share this picture of her leaving the polls in 2016.

Photo Credit: Doug Curran

Photo Credit: Doug Curran

Ah yes, winter white. How we LOVE it in a coat! How we NEVER wear it ourselves. Winter white stays white for about 15 minutes with dogs, slush, and kids (amirite?) and therefore is on our list of “NO”s. Sigh. …but look at our girl, Lisa. She looks absolutely amazing in this coat and there is NOT A SPOT OF DIRT ON IT. Like, not a spot. Please marvel. We’ll give you a minute.

For this feat alone, we’d fangirl her. …but wait, there is more!

Photo Credit: Lisa Blunt Rochester twitter

Photo Credit: Lisa Blunt Rochester twitter

Blunt Rochester seems to be adopting a signature pose — the slightly outward-angled thumbs up! Coincidence or intentional? Honestly, we don’t care. She looks amazing.

Katie Hill's Necklace

Katie Hill, Democrat from California, has been rocking a gorgeous necklace lately. It’s the perfect length to show up under a coat/blazer.

Photo credit: Katie Hill Twitter

Photo credit: Katie Hill Twitter

She tweeted the above photo after the 116th Congress passed HR 1, legislation designed to get money out of politics, clean up government corruption, and make voting easier. Three things that we at Capitol Hill Fashion can really get behind!

The necklace also made an appearance that same day with Lauren Underwood’s green coat. The necklace and coat are probably good friends by now.

Photo Credit: Katie Hill twitter

Photo Credit: Katie Hill twitter

Kyrsten Sinema Swearing In

The first post of this blog is dedicated to Kyrsten Sinema. Sworn in on 3 January 2019 as the newest Senator from Arizona, she looked incredible from tip (her hair) to toe (her shoes). Let’s take a moment to admire her.

Photo credit: Zach Gibson

Photo credit: Zach Gibson

Instead of holding her hand on a bible, Sinema swore on a law book to uphold the Constitution.

Photo credit: Jack Gruber

Photo credit: Jack Gruber

Sinema also appears to have a thing for faux fur collars. She wore a grey stole to her swearing in, and showed up for the event in a pink Kate Spade coat with matching faux fur collar. You can see the grey fur stole peaking out of the top of her handbag.

We’re looking forward to more bold style choices from Sinema.