Kate Gallego, New Mayor of Phoenix

Earlier in March 2019, Kate Gallego, a nonpartisan candidate, won the Phoenix mayoral race.

We don’t know much about her can report that on her first day as mayor, she signed a proclamation to combat hate, extremism and bigotry. She also looks fantastic in this navy dress and jeweled necklace.

Photo credit: Kate Gallego twitter

Photo credit: Kate Gallego twitter

Gallego tweeted this photo to announce she selected Lisa Fernandez (left, who also looks fantastic) to be her Chief of Staff. We at Capitol Hill Fashion love a red dress with a red lip. Standing next to each other, these women are patriotic sparkly perfection.

We are getting used to fashion greatness (cough Kyrsten Sinema cough) coming out of Arizona, and Gallego doesn’t disappoint. The bar is high, rest of America.

Ricardo Rossello Wears Tan Suit

Puerto Rico’s Governor, Ricardo Rossello, wore a tan suit like it was a normal thing to do! …and then he sat! …in a chair! …and met with people! We know. We were shocked too!

Photo credit: Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

Photo credit: Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

It looks like he kept the suit on all day — attending meetings, squatting with his wife to talk to children, listening attentively while she spoke, and (most shockingly) handing people pens. We could go on and on. It goes without saying that these are not appropriate tan suit activities.

If history taught us anything, it’s that we must be outraged about this. People should not just wear tan suits. This calls for swift and decisive action. Please let us know in the comments where you will be marching to protest this horror.


Also, the Rossellos may be the most beautiful political couple since Jackie and JFK. Just sayin’.

Danica Roem, Rocker

It occurred to us here at Capitol Hill Fashion that some of you may have not seen this photo of Virginia Delegate, Danica Roem. We needed to fix that right away.

Photo credit: Unknown (tell us and we’ll credit)

Photo credit: Unknown (tell us and we’ll credit)

You may know that Delegate Roem is the first transgender woman elected to statewide office in America, but did you also know that she’s one of the first members of a metal band elected to serve? Well, now you do. In addition to her career as a journalist, Roem was lead singer for death metal band called Cab Ride Home (which we should all do if imbibing) for years.

Rock on, girl!