Kate Gallego, New Mayor of Phoenix

Earlier in March 2019, Kate Gallego, a nonpartisan candidate, won the Phoenix mayoral race.

We don’t know much about her can report that on her first day as mayor, she signed a proclamation to combat hate, extremism and bigotry. She also looks fantastic in this navy dress and jeweled necklace.

Photo credit: Kate Gallego twitter

Photo credit: Kate Gallego twitter

Gallego tweeted this photo to announce she selected Lisa Fernandez (left, who also looks fantastic) to be her Chief of Staff. We at Capitol Hill Fashion love a red dress with a red lip. Standing next to each other, these women are patriotic sparkly perfection.

We are getting used to fashion greatness (cough Kyrsten Sinema cough) coming out of Arizona, and Gallego doesn’t disappoint. The bar is high, rest of America.

Women in White

A blog dedicated to chronicling how the 116th Congress uses fashion to shake up Capitol Hill would be remiss if it didn’t blog about the fashion event that happened during President Trump’s February 2019 State of the Union speech. Nearly every Democratic female lawmaker wore white. When the camera panned away from Trump to scan the House chamber, the women were impossible to miss.

Photo credit: Alex Wong

Photo credit: Alex Wong

Even Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who sat on the dais directly behind Trump, wore white (and created a new kind of clapping).

Photo credit: Doug Mills

Photo credit: Doug Mills

The white outfits were a form of social protest over Trump’s often insensitive attitude towards women. He has compared women to pigs, bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy”, and famously called his opponent a “nasty woman” on national television.

In addition to symbolizing their philosophical ancestors (the suffragists), Congresswomen wore white as a tribute to those who voted for them in the 2018 midterm elections. Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL) tweeted “By wearing suffragette white to #SOTU2019.. we’re sending a message to everyone that voted for @HouseDemocrats & delivered us the majority that we’re working #ForThePeople, promoting the economic security of women & their families!” 

They seemed pretty joyous about it.

Photo credits (clockwise from upper left): Rep. Deb Haaland twitter, Tom Williams, Rep. Doris Matsui twitter, Erin Schaff.